Saturday, July 6, 2013

Creep Sketching Saturday

My love for sketching strangers, aka creep sketching, has been my favorite past time for years now. It allows me to be super observant about everything, to notice the tiny details that makes a person an individual. However when the person notices you drawing them, the drawing is over, so I have to make it quick since I'm not the most inconspicuous person. 

The first three were done in one of my favorite coffee shops, its weird being here mid-aftertoon since I'm always just here in the mornings before work. When the shop was winding down, or when I have ran out of victims, I drove myself to Barnes and Nobles to look for fresh ones and was there for an hour or so. Markers are still a learning process for me but I need to start adding value to my sketches. Next will be watercolors! Eep. 

Gesture Drawings

I'm lucky to have started my figure drawing studies at the age of 16 and throughout college, its my favorite thing ever. Gesture drawings are quick 5-10 second sketches of the movement and dynamic of a pose. I used this sports photographer's awesome photos as reference. 

I have done all of these in pen (fountain and gel ball point) in about 5-10 seconds each. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

So Metal

Just did a study of a metal tea kettle. I found out that I really like painting metal.