Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Crack the Sky

New painting! I had this idea floating around in my head for a while. Originally it was in landscape but felt like it was more dynamic this orientation.  A lot of things changed from the sketch, to the first few drafts and the final. The entire color scheme and mood was changed and I would not have thought to do so unless I took this to final.

Photoshop CS4

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Today marks the end of week 4 of Noah Bradley's Art Camp. This week we concentrated on self portraits painted via mirror and/or having someone sit for you as you draw their portrait. I managed to get about three selfies in this week and made sure to improve as I did each one. To show the progression, I will swallow my pride and post them.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bubbles and Lemons

Some recents. One sketch from imagination and a still life study. The lighting changed like 1934032 times ahhaah. Had it set up left of me on my desk. I will do more of these because I started hating glass but now I just want to paint more glass.